Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Any opinions on Skunk Cleaner Shrimp? Mine last 2 hours.?

Maybe I'm not acclimating them long enough. I will try one more time, adding 1/4 cup every 20 minutes until the bag is full and THEN pouring it into my aquarium.Any opinions on Skunk Cleaner Shrimp? Mine last 2 hours.?
A couple of bits of info about your tank would be helpful to know in answering your question: Temperature and Specific Gravity (or Salinity) level. I am going to assume that the other residents of your tank are healthy and compatible with skunk cleaners. Here are some tips you might try and/or things to check on.

1. Tank temperature should be ideally somewhere between 78 and 80 F, but consistancy is key.

2. Specific Gravity should be ideally around 1.022 to 1.024.

3. Ask what the levels of these 2 items are at the store where you purchase the shrimp from - if the varience is too big, that could be a big stress-factor.

4. When floating the shrimp during acclimating, try leaving the tank lights off until after you've released him. (they could cause extra stress and even temp swings)

5. Your acclimating procedure is fine, but when you go to release the shrimp into the tank, try to avoid releasing much of the bag water with him. (toxins build up quicker in the bag and you want to discard them rather that polluting your tank with them)

6. Finally, and maybe most important, almost every medication and most other chemicals are toxic to shrimp and other invertebrates, sometimes even for the life of the tank, so make sure that the tank never had any toxic substances added to it before.

Good luck!Any opinions on Skunk Cleaner Shrimp? Mine last 2 hours.?
Check your water conditions. Shrimps are intolerant to high nitrate levels. You are doing the right thing in acclimatizing it slowly to you tank water.

Cleaner shrimps are not difficult to keep once the water conditions are right. I don't normally encounter difficulty with them.
What the heck is that?

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