Sunday, February 7, 2010

What are good fish for a skunk loach and 3 bloodfin tetras?

What fish get along with them?What are good fish for a skunk loach and 3 bloodfin tetras?
Skunk loaches (Skunk Botia) are great fish and very active, but they can be very nippy. You may find that your blood fin's tails end up in tatters. I had a few of these a while back and ended up putting them with larger fish since they bothered my small tertras, guppies and mollies.

You could try fast swimming fish like danios (avoid the long finned type since they make great targets) also try gouramis, barbs such as gold, tiger, and rosy. Get a feel for the personality of your loach by watching how it interacts with the bloodfins. if they end up nipped up get some larger (but still peaceful) fish.What are good fish for a skunk loach and 3 bloodfin tetras?
platies, mollies, neon tetras, corydas, a pleco (depending on size of tank) guppies, a betta (ONLY 1 male), some danios, an African Cichlid or 2 (jk)....Hope this helps..

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