Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Would you let a skunk sleep on your bed overnight for $500.00?

You would not have to sleep next to it....Would you let a skunk sleep on your bed overnight for $500.00?
Just $500? No way.Would you let a skunk sleep on your bed overnight for $500.00?
Yes, providing I was guaranteed to not be bitten or catch a disease :-) I could perhaps wash it beforehand and spray lots of air-freshener
yeah, i wont care, i do it for the money.

but a skunk wont smell very pleasant.

I would do just about anything (that isn't disrespecting myself) for 500.00 right about now.
well yeah if no deseases and anything else well yes only 4 the money!! then im gonna burn my bed or give it as a gift to the skunk

I'd let anyone or anythin sleep on me bed fe 拢拢拢拢.
Make it 5,000. That way, I could pay for my medical bill, when it attacks me.
Send it round
yeah i can always buy a new bed with my winnings :)
yh, then i would just buy a new bed.

have slept

with worse

for less
sure, they're great pets

as long as their scent glands are removed
Uh. If it's de-skunked :]

but other then that... no
i dont have to be end up getting pregnant right?

my mattress cost lots more than that!

plus I just got rid of a lousy husb. why would I want

a skunk in my bed??
whaaaat? now people are doing this for money? dammmit!
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