Before picking ask yourself which you like less, your lungs or your liver. After you pick have fun and die young!Which is worse for your health? Smoking cannabis (skunk) every day, or drinking a lot of alcohol every day?
i think they are both as bad as each other! the effects have oppisite effects but can both can cause trouble..
such as alcohol could make ya violent or making you do something you wouldnt normally do such as sleep with a minger or offend some etc
weed makes ya not with it and paranoid! not good if ur wit loadsa ppl!
i personally think they are both good tho... under infulence of nboth at the mo LoL!
weed will just kill ur brain cells so u dont remember much and alcohol with also give u memory loss and **** ur liver up.
both can end up with serious problems but dont everything? too much caffine, sugar, nicotine... the list goes on!Which is worse for your health? Smoking cannabis (skunk) every day, or drinking a lot of alcohol every day?
the cannabis, one of my best mates has paranoid psychosis as a result of smoking it everyday
that's like asking: what's worse? crossing the street in front of a speeding tractor trailer or crossing in front of a speeding formula one race car? Both options suck and carry dire consequences...
Cannabis - the lungs are more delicate than the liver and pancreas. But send me some cannabis and I'll just make sure for you! LOL
Too much of anything is bad for you, the weed can cause mental problems in some people and the booze will rot your liver eventually.So in answer to your question, it depends on how much you consume and whether you can handle it.
Bear in mind females cannot drink as much alcohol as males because of their different anatomies.
Well, one can give you serious lung problems and the other can destroy your liver, so its not much of a choice. I guess the weed is slightly less harmful, but slightly more likely to land you in jail.
Drinking alcohol is worse than smoking pure canabis.
Smoking canabis as skunk is more dangerous than either.
Don't confuse smoking pure canabis with smoking skunk. Skunk is a nasty, nasty mix of canabis and whatever the dealer feels like cutting into it. It's massively addictive and gives you nasty personality disorders. Stay away from it.
Drinking lots of alcohol everyday for sure!!!!
Don't believe all the people who said opposite. They are cannabis hatters and are very against it. You never hear of people dying from smoking too much weed but you hear about people with liver problems because of too much drinking.
you smoke skunks?
I know someone who is currently in rehab suffering the effects of long term smoking of skunk. It's like watching someone with severe mental illness. The paranoia and the outbursts are awful. I cannot even explain what it is like to watch someone who was perfectly normal before turn in time into a wretched mess. This person is now so paranoid that they want to kill themselves because they can't take it anymore.
I also know someone who is an alcoholic. They have no family left, no life and everything revolves around getting a drink. They too have gone slightly mad, are totally untrustworthy and on the verge of extreme illness.
Out of the two, I wouldn't want to be either. There symptoms and problems are different but ultimately both there lives are tragic and as good as over.
If you are asking this question because you are considering either, then do yourself a favour.......... don't.
You can't miss something you never had.
Definitely drinking, but pot can give you lung cancer, so just smoke enough to get high.
Aocohol it kills your liver
Both. You need your lungs and you need you liver, if you destroy either one it's terminal.
Alcohol excess damages the brain and liver and is potentially toxic to the heart.
Cannabis mainly causes damage to the brain, both physically, producing atrophy = shrinkage, which leads to dementia, and psychological damage including depression and schizophrenia.
You choose, its a bit like asking is it better to be hung or shot!
i'm not saying drinking alcohol is definitely good , but it's up to how much u drinking,cos also doctors say a glass of wine is also good for health for example
so i think smoking cannabis is worse
Smoking %26amp; drinking lots of alcohol are not what your body wants you to do. Both are just as bad I'd say.
They are both horribly bad for you. What a silly question. Thats like saying, ';I want to screw up my life, but which thing will ruin my life at a slower rate.';
Here is something to think about seriously. I am a corporate recruiter, I hire people for a living. And I can tell you this. For liability reasons, more and more successful corporations are going to a policy where they wont hire anyone with any sort of drug conviction on their record. Ive had to turn down people with MBAs, just because when they were 18 they got busted with a little pot. We live in an information age and everyone is getting a electronic paper trail of everything they do. Think about it. Is that little pot high really worth you not getting a great job 5, 10 or 20 years from now? Here is the thing, if you keep using, you WILL eventually get busted for it.
Like I said, the reason companies are creating these policies is because of LIABILITY. Face it, we live in an age where people sue large corporations for anything. A person with a criminal/drug record creates a paper trail and that paper trail creates a liability for the company. If anything ever went wrong with that employee, lawyers could have a feild day because the corporation hired someone with a KNOWN drug history. Unfortunately for our young people this is only going to get worse for them as more an more companies adopt these policies.
The solution is to do what Im doing. Warn your kids and young people that the choices they make when young can and WILL come back and haunt them.
Good luck.
Probably Cannabis - but who cares if youre stonned and drunk!!!
it would be hard to split the two to be honest they will both uck you up.
They both lead to the same consequences,its like saying 6 million ways to die,Choose one
both, if you need to ask a question like that, then your already beginning to loose you brain cells!
what size papers do you use for a skunk?
What's worse depends on your genetics and whether you'd prefer risking your lungs or your liver. I personally think that uncut weed might be better when you consider other things. If you're stoned, you're bound to laugh a lot and go to sleep. People who are drunk tend to do things like believe they can drive perfectly, beat up that bloke over there or shag without a helmet. Very very risky.
a lot of alcohol everyday
alcohol kills your liver.
pot isnt as bad for you.
cigarettes are worse than weed.
Smoking cannabis
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