Sunday, February 7, 2010

When walking a dog and a skunk is nearby, should you stand still with the dog, or keep walking?

I have a small Bishon Frisce, and we have a lot of skunks in the area, so when I walk her, there always tend to be skunks out. She tends to be a typical dog and wants to go over to them and explore, I don't let her, but I can't say the same for the skunks. I don't know if I should stay still with the dog, or just keep walking along and ignore the skunk.When walking a dog and a skunk is nearby, should you stand still with the dog, or keep walking?
The skunk will tell you what it's comfortable with. Skunks are very patient and don't squirt without giving ample warning (unless startled).

If the skunk ignores you, keep walking. If the skunk shows you it's hind-end, back away very quickly. Don't run, no sudden movements, just back up NOW!When walking a dog and a skunk is nearby, should you stand still with the dog, or keep walking?
if your dog likes to bark at squirrels, you may have a problem. i read that dogs that like to bark and chase small animals at home, they will almost definately chase animals in the wild. if, like i said, your dog likes to chase animals, you need to make sure that your dog will always obey voice commands and directions, and won't struggle against the leash. i'm sure you don't want your disobedient dog getting sprayed! i would just try to keep on walking, and discourage your dog from going near the skunk, if they try to go near it. good luck!
I would keep walking. They shouldn't want anything to do with you, most likely they'll run off and hide. Keep an eye on the skunk, generally before they spray, they'll stamp their front feet and pounce around, that's their warning sign. Then, they'll turn around and the tail will go up. If that happens, run lol.
keep walking..if the skunk is like all skunks iv ever seen they will run away..just keep plenty of distance and it will be the hurts a skunk in a real bad way to they really dont do it unless they feel like they are in danger
I'd say you should really keep walking unless your going twards it. Try to keep as far away from it as possible. If you stand there it will most likely be intimadating to the skunk and it could be expecting you to jump at it or something. Don't let the dog start pocking it's head over in that direction either, just hold it very close you to with no spare leash and quickley continue walking by.

I also wouldn't want to make any noise either, the skunk wont think twice if he wants to spray you!
Just try not to scare the skunk. Skunks spray in self defense. So long as the two of you stay nonthreatening, you'll be fine.

A skunk does something like a break dance as a warning before a spray. They don't always do this, if you startle them they'll spray straight away, but if you see one dancing around on its front legs, then get away.

A skunk has to have its tail up to spray! Should a skunk raise its tail at you or your dog, your best bet is to try to put it down, but unfortunately, you may not make it.

I also would not recommend to use tomato juice if your dog gets sprayed, the juice will stain her coat red. There are other grooming products available that will make the smell vanish. Ask a pet store about them.
keep walking and hope that u dont smell skunk aroma
keep walkin and get your dog to focus on u
usually when a human sees a skunk they stop dead in their tracks... the dog will pick up on your body language...

recently this happened to us. i was surprised, stopped, for a moment and saw the skunk was ignoring us and really did not care what we were doing, so i got the dogs focus back on me and we continued our walk like it was nothing.....
Turn and walk a different direction, away from the skunk. You don't know how close the skunk will be comfortable before deciding it's ';too close';.
Just move as far away from the skunk as you can and walk past. Most skunks will run away before they'll spray- you have to be pretty close for them to do that.
Whatever you do, don't go up to the skunk! I have had 2 brothers who either went up to a skunk or their dog went up to a skunk, and got sprayed for their trouble! One brother couldn't get the smell out of his nose, even though we couldn't smell him, he could still smell it! The other said he couldn't even smell it. Weird.
Keep on walking. The skunk really wants nothing to do with you. Ignore it and walk on. You'll both be fine.
skunks really only spray if startled, frightened, or feeling threatened, as long as you don't let your dog run up on the skunk and scare it, it should be fine, just be careful. And for the doofus wanting to shoot the skunks on sight....maybe you're not aware that every skunk in the world doesn't carry rabies, it is in fact quite uncommon, even though it DOES happen,but I'm thinking the other end is the biggest worry since they are more prone to use it then biting.
stay far away from the skunk like if you see one while walking your dog croos the street or speed up your pace, because you don't want that skunk to spray you and the dog!
I'd say turn around and walk away from the skunk.

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