Sunday, February 7, 2010

Found a pet skunk... what to do with it?

I found a pet skunk earlier today. It came right up to me so its obviously a pet and he didnt spray me at all. He seems a little sick though. Probably because he's been outside and not use to it!! Should I take him to the vet or what? He did bite my friend so we put him in a dog crate for now. Is that ok? I want someone who's a professional to look at it by morning. Thanks :DFound a pet skunk... what to do with it?
I sure hope you are joking! and that you already know that is the actions of a skunk with rabies..

If you are not joking, get your friend to the ER..They will know exactly what to do..

Added for phoenix.

My friend in Canada, thought it was humorous when a baby skunk came to play in her yard with the puppies in their Ex-pen.

The little skunk nibbled their if in play..

All of the litter died of rabies..

I am also a retired nurse, and have worked in ER for several years.( in skunk country) .and I know any ER will know what to do.Found a pet skunk... what to do with it?
first check him for rabies since he bit your freind

take him to a vet for sure

look around the area you found him for a leash or tags with info on him

post found skunk signs

he doesnt have to be a pet because hes freindly towards you

he may not feel you would put him in danger but didnt feel that way when he bit your freind.

how large is the crate does he have room to turn around';?
Take it to a vet immediately. Skunks aren't normally attracted to humans and the behavior your describing is similar to a rabid animal. The skunk needs to be quarantined and tested for your friends sake at least. Honestly you shouldn't have taken the steps to bring it into your home. The animal will associate humans with food now and may have to be put down. Wild animals aren't pets.
It all depends on where you live!!! I would LOVE a pet skunk but where I live, they are illegal as pets-- even ones without their stink glands.

To be safe, do not handle it. You need to call animal control, and they can tell you what you need to do.

You friend needs to be seen by a Dr, immediately.

ADD- haha chetco, really have you btdt?! with a skunk?!

and, after reading others answers-- DO NOT release him into the wild!!! He could easily die from a car, and he WILL get into yards and garbages and make a mess! IF he IS a pet, they will want him back!!! All the more reason to call animal control, he will be seen by their vet, and you wont be financially responsible for the vet costs.
did you find it during the day? Skunks are nocternal and only come out at night.

If sick with possible rabies they will raom during the day kind of like they are walking drunk.

If your friend was bit he may need a rabies shot.

Tell your parents ASAPPPP
Hmmm, i woulnt say keep it as a pet for much longer, keep an eye on it. or even release into the wild or something, if ur really worried take it to the vet. better safe then sorry.
leave him be!

he was fine on his on!

so god will be with him through the

He could have rabies... get him checked ASAP. Your friend may end up with some really unfunny shots from the doctor.

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