Friday, February 5, 2010

What is the fastest way get rid of skunk smell?

Someone left the door open and somehow a skunk crawled in the kitchen. When it finally left, the whole house stank really bad. I used vinegar but a few hours later, the house still has the smell.What is the fastest way get rid of skunk smell?
When our dog gets sprayed, I mix a bottle of peroxide with a half box of baking soda, add a few drops of dishwashing soap and bathe the dog. I leave the solution on for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off. It takes the smell away immediately. Try washing everything in the room room with this solution.What is the fastest way get rid of skunk smell?
Being thiol-based, the smell will get worse with any water usage. If you can stand it, I would try ammonia undiluted.
clean with tomato juice.
i live in the forest and skunks abound. i have gotten used to their perky pungent smell. kinda like it now. but when i first moved here i tried to get rid of it and used plain old pinesol with a sponge it gets rid of the smell for sure. however, i love the smell of garlic, boiling mustard greens and farts. just me i guess. and i love it when skunks let go and spray the side of my little log cabins. makes me feel free and part of the great outdoors. haven't had a skunk visit for a month or so. maybe the weather change will bring one by to visit.

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