Friday, February 5, 2010

What is your opinion on people owning a pet skunk?

I have a website for pet skunks. Please no passing judgement on me. This is for research. We are seeing how well read/educated the public is on pet skunks. Just a heads up we are talking about domesticated skunks NOT wild.What is your opinion on people owning a pet skunk?
Years ago I had a friend; a lady named Linda who was a vet assistant and had all sorts of ';critters';: a skunk, raccoon, squirrel, for example; the skunk was nice enough and was always fine...would I get 1 personally, no, but that's just me; Live and Let Live as long as it's responsible and appropriate...What is your opinion on people owning a pet skunk?
I have a pet skunk %26amp; he's great. He's very friendly %26amp; playful %26amp; I love him to bits!!

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No. They will stink up your house.
They do seem to be very gentle creatures. I think I read somewhere that their stink sacs can be removed. I think that would be absolutely essential.
I say I would not mind having a pet skunk.I mean since they can't spray you that are kinda cute.I LOVE unusual pets.
I think they would make a fun and cuddly pet, just have them fixed so they cannot get you all smelly. I petted a baby skunk at a petting zoo once and thought that it was just adorable.
Skunk species vary in size from about 15.6 in. (40 cm) to 27.3 in. (70 cm) and in weight from about 1.1 lb. (0.5 kg) (the spotted skunks) to 9.92 lb. (4.5 kg) (the hog-nosed skunks) They have a moderately elongated body with reasonably short, well-muscled legs, and long front claws for digging.

Although the most common fur color is black and white, some skunks are brown or gray, and a few are cream-colored. All skunks are striped, however, even from birth. They may have a single thick stripe across back and tail, two thinner stripes, or a series of white spots and broken stripes (in the case of the spotted skunk). Some also have stripes on their legs
I have no problem with people owning a pet skunk. i might not get one though, just because i have dogs already. I think skunk are very misunderstood. they actually give you enough warning before they attack. if you still threaten him and he attack you, it's really the human's fault! I have seen skunk that are more gentle then dogs. some dogs just attack for no reason and give you no warning for crying out loud. i say if you can give a skunk proper care and lots of love, go ahead and get one!
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON';T TAKE IT AS A PET!
if u own a pet skunk uve got problems jk it would be nasty the stench uck!!!lol
I thought skunks were considered wildlife and illegal to own, but I woulld love to see your web sit, what is address.
It's up to you. Just don't invite me over for a backyard barbecue lol!
shocking pet that would be an attention getter.

I would rather have a racoon though
Hey, if it doesn't violate any laws, if they want a skunk, its fine as far as I'm concerned. Toeach his own, live and let live.
I've heard pet skunks are really gentle. But, I've never had one as a pet. They seem really cute and interesting. Of course, the stink glands should be humanely removed.
you want opinions so here is mine and please no passing judgement on me either

my opinion of people owning skunks and similar exotics is that these people have low self esteme and rely on having a ';cool'; or exotic pet to make them feel better..
Who wouldn't want a skunk? They're so cute and if you hate someone just get your new friend to spray them! Unless you've fixed that problem.

I know I want a skunk! But it's more of an out door pet but I've heard of many people owning them, and it seemed to work out. I'm sure the skunk's would be greatful being out of forest, well what's left of it anyway....
I would love to have one actually. I love animals. And skunks are very cute! I would love to have a domesticated one. I don't understand why people say eww at stuff like this. I mean, they are domesticated. It's like saying that you can't have a pet hamster... hamsters live in the wild, OOPS. Guess those are gross too. People you have to actually think about this stuff.
wat freak want a skunk 4 a pet?
as long as there stink gland is removed youre good to go i hear they are very intelligent and can be housebroken and taught to use the litter but you gotta check it out with the rules of youre town cause over where i am its illegal to have a wild animal
If I went to somebody's house and they had a pet skunk my first reaction would be ';COOOOOL!'; I actually kind of want one. I mean, I'll probably never get one, and I don't know what kinds of pets they make, like if they are friendly like a cat or not, but I like the idea of having a skunk. Smart move adding the ';NOT wild'; at the end of your question, people around here bash people for taking animals out of the's brutal. Anyways, could you add the link to your skunk website on here? I'd love to see it
It might be better behaved than some dogs.
It stinks!!

They do not get domesticated. They are wild animals.

Besides, there are already websites like this.
We shoot skunks on site here
There is no such thing as a domesticated skunk. Domesticated doesn't mean friendly with people or raised by people. It isn't a term applied to an individual animal but to a species, one that has been raised by humans for many, many, many generations.

Now that I've got that out of the way, I think it's great having pet skunks if the skunks are happy with the arrangement.
not a different opinion general
I think it's so cool! I've had squirrels and raccoons as pets. I loved the squirrels, the raccoons were kinda scary. I would love to have a pet skunk. They're so cute! As long as it doesn't have that stink gland. Skunks by far have the worst smell in the world. I heard they were very nice and playful too? I have never touched a real live skunk, I'd love to have one. I've wanted one for years.
My wife had one as a kid. It was orphaned by its mother, they had its scent glands removed and it made a great pet. It was littler trained, affectionate, and you could just give it cat food.
Get them descented, DEFINITELY!
domesticated skunks are like dogs. they actually help to protect your home if there's an intruder. not really sure about that. something i've heard before.
If its been ';de-skunked';, then hope you enjoy it...

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