Friday, February 5, 2010

I have a skunk living in the back yard, How can it get it to leave?

About 3 days ago, a skunk came into my yard, sprayed the dog, ran through the fence and took up residence under my storage building. I called animal control, he set a live trap , and baited it with meat. The skunk is too smart, he has been able to get the meat out 2 nights in a row, and returns under the shed. We now have another live trap set, and no luck last night. I want to know what a good menu would be to entice the skunk into the trap, and any other good methods to get the bugger out! I have a fenced in back yard and would love to send the dog out to play. Thanks!!!I have a skunk living in the back yard, How can it get it to leave?
bait your trap with caned cat food, but only open the can part way, tie it to the triger so mister skunk has to work to get it out of the can, this in turn will cause the trap to drop.

make sure the trap is working propely, if it is it should take very little to drop the door.

if this does not work try flooding the area, this should drive him to find dryer ground.

after all a skunk is a cat.I have a skunk living in the back yard, How can it get it to leave?
Ammonia soaked rags placed around the shed will encourage it to leave.
mothballs,, it also gets rid of snakes, racoons an possum.. they don't like the smell of them.. some say it makes them drunk.. lmao.. but it really works.. sprinkle them around the shed.. if theres a opening try an throw some under the shed.. after a few days.. all will be fine...and your welcome...
wire the bait to the trap pan and if that dont work shoot it
^^thats not funny(shooting it) dont shoot it. Call animal control. they can use a tranqalizer instead.
i know skunks like eggs you could try to put a couple in their also they might not be setting the trap for a hair trigger. also find out why hes staying in your yard is it a female with babies?? do you have a trash can in your yard attracting it??? is someone throwing food in your yard??
Don't kill it! You can't just go around killing all wildlife for our convenience. Just be patient with the trapping...I am sure you will get him eventually, he is going into the trap so that is a good sign.
call animal control
Shoot it!
watch the cage carfuly when he goes to eat the meat use a 4-10 an bust his and brain straight out of his head.(when he's dead shovel him across the road and through him in the ditch)
Raise the skunks rent , they will move in the middle of the night , no more worries.

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