Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is skunk smell really effective as we see on movies?

I didn`t have that experience, but I seems to me like little bit exaggeration. is that really strong ?Is skunk smell really effective as we see on movies?
Dr Phall dont have a clue..I have been sprayed twice in my times, and yes it is terrible..when your actually sprayed it is so nauseating you will puke..and I don't have a weak stomach...I was raised in the Texas Hill Country and seeing skunks were a at least once a week well Trapping back then was a way of life for us country boys.I have had to remove skunks from traps many a time and the smell is terrible as none could really know untill they have been sprayed....Someone mentioned here about the myth buster ordeal and that is true..Getting them to spray isn't as easy as alot of people think..However when threatened heavily they will..our procedure was to be real calm when approaching one and if you can get ahold of thier tail and get thier hind feet off the ground they cannot spray you then..They have to have them hind feet planted firmly to activate and release the scent from thier glands properly...Watch out for the bite though they are ferocious...Needless to say..I failed to get the feet off the ground twice..Is skunk smell really effective as we see on movies?
Oh yes!. Even if you run over one the smell can last for ages. A USA friend told me that tomato ketchup is the best neutraliser. Since I live in Europe, I haven't had occasion to try it out.
i think that the trouble is to get them to spray, i saw on mythbusters that they were poking at a skunk and couldn't get it to spray, but they bought some off the internet and said it smelled absolutely horrid
Its so bad it hurts your nose.
yes, it is bad. one drop can smell up an entire auditorium or large house. you can often smell one up to a half mile away when out in the woods.
Oh yes, it's that bad. It smells like fresh cut onions times 1000. My dog got sprayed right in the face. He was blinded for a few minutes and scraped his face raw on the sidewalk trying to get it off. I gave him a sponge bath outside with tomato juice, then washed him twice in the bathtub, and the towels I dried him off with smelled like skunk until I washed them 10 times.
It's very bad if it's sprayed near you. If you've ever been close to where a skunk sprays, your eyes will water, your nose %26amp; throat will burn. It will suck.
Oh, it really is that strong! If you (or your dog) are ever sprayed - you will never forget it.

Haven't you ever smelled a skunk, while driving down the highway? You can smell it, even at 70 mph!

If you ever do get sprayed, try tomato juice. I don't know why, but it's supposed to ge the smell out.
pcbeach has it correct. I live in Ontario and skunks are just a fact of life . When you put out your garbage for pick up at night to be picked up the next morning we often have both raccoons and skunks coming to feed . They are mainly nocturnal but you do see them sometimes during the day. If you see one during the day and it is walking funny or acting strange steer clear as it probably has rabies.

They are members of the weasel family and they all have scent glands of varying degrees.

The smell of skunk is similar to burnt coffee. As I travel up north to go camping the smell is just part of the landscape and is now somewhat enjoyable if not too strong.

The chances of getting sprayed are small unless you try to provoke the skunk. To get sprayed you would have to be within about 15 - 20 feet but the smell can linger in a sprayed area for a day or two. It is pretty common for the car to pick up the smell on tires from dead skunks on the highway.

There is an old tale that says if you can hold down the skunks tail they are not able to spray but I can't confirm and don't plan on trying.
I've never seen one, but I've heard that the smell of a dead skunk on the road can be smelt from 1km in either direction...
oh my god seriously, it's nasty. It takes my breath away. And once my dog got sprayed and the smell was there forever
OH MY GOSH! My dog got skunked last year. It is not an exaggeration. Watch out for them things... *shudder*
Have you seen Wildboyz with Steve-o %26amp; Chris Pontius?

They purposely make a skunk spray in their face's.. It makes them throw up.

Yes its that strong.
No not really, It's a lemon-y, garlic-y onion smell.

It is unpleasant but no where as potent as the moves make out.

It's weird, some people don't mind it and actually enjoy it (diluted of course) It's effectiveness is dependent on your personal tastes.

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