Sunday, February 7, 2010

Skunk Smell Length?

My daughter's birthday party is at our house in a couple of weeks. Tonight, my dumb cat attacked a skunk outside the house while it was eating her cat food. Now, the whole house smells like skunk. I know there's probably nothing I can do about the smell outside or inside besides wait it out and I know what to do for the cat (Keep her outside at all times). But, how long will the smell linger? Will it be ok to have her friends over in a couple of weeks?Skunk Smell Length?
The dehumidifier or A/C idea makes sense.

I would also get some pot-pourri.

The cat, well, they wash dogs in tomato juice, but washing a cat,is almost impossible. Still, worth a try...

The more ventilation you have flowing through the house, and then out of the house, the faster the skunk odor will go away, so run kitchen, laundry, bathroom, and (if your house has one) HRV vent fans in high, constantly, 24 hrs a day.

One thing you can do, is buy a ';ton'; of baking soda, and spread it all over the floor -- carpets, tile, and all.... The baking soda will absorb the skunk odor. You'd spread the soda in the morning, go to work, leave the house, and then vaccuum in the evening when you get back... You'll have to do this for about a week though! And also spread a whack of baking soda outside, where the spraying happened. Leave a few days, then, if possible, flush with water.

Good Luck!Skunk Smell Length?
Long as the skunk doesn't spray there again?

Yes... possibly even before then...
Cool, just tell everyone youve been smoking cronic
The best way to remove odors from the air is to run your A/C unit and get rid of the smell with the condensate water. If you can't get your A/C to run because of the cold temps, try a dehumidifier. RScott

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