Friday, February 5, 2010

What does skunk spray smell like?

has anyone been sprayed by a skunk...does it really smell that bad?

im just wondering lolsWhat does skunk spray smell like?
smells like og kushWhat does skunk spray smell like?
The active ingredient is a mercaptan, something like the scent that is put into natural gas so that you can smell it if there is a leak from your stove. I like the scent at a great distance, when it is very dilute. While I have never been sprayed, I have skinned a few skunks and once managed to cut into a scent gland in the process. The scent stayed on my hands until I was able to get back to civilization and remove it. For some reason, I was not popular with the folks I was camping with for the rest of the trip.
I haven't had the pleasure of being sprayed by a skunk, but my dog had when he killed one that got into out back yard. It is a very distinct smell that you would never forget once you have smelled it. And when it is strong (like when you are sprayed) it is enough to make you gag.
The smell of skunks has been compared to burnt rubber.

Here is more input:

* When they spray: putrid. The worst lingering smell you will ever experience.

* Skunks don't really smell like anything else. They are pretty unique in that sense.

* Interesting animals, skunks are. They're really quite mild mannered, and if you don't startle them or make them angry, they're happy to leave you alone. All they want from humans is the scraps of food that we carelessly leave laying around. They normally eat just about anything from frogs to bird eggs to whatever they can find in your garbage can. However, nature has given them a very effective means of self defense in the spray that they direct at an enemy. The spray is a chemical concoction manufactured by special glands in the skunks body. One of the ingredients is actually sulfuric acid, a very strong acid used for making car batteries and other industrial uses. To describe the smell of skunk spray is tough, as there's nothing in our daily lives that resembles it. It can, in very very small amounts, smell something like burned rubber. But, in larger quantities it is just indescribable. Once you smell it, you'll never forget it. It's very strong, and makes your eyes water and breathing difficult. It's very, very unpleasant to be sprayed by a skunk, which two of my dogs will swear to. Hopefully, you'll get a chance to find the answer for your question from a distance. And, remember, skunks are known to be carriers of rabies. If you're ever bitten by one, see a doctor immediately. Otherwise, they're really gentle critters who mind their own business. The only time I take action is if they decide to set up housekeeping under my porch. In that case, spreading mothballs around under the porch seems to chase them away. Mothballs smell to skunks like they smell to us.

also in short here are 3 things they smell like is garlic,sewage,burnt rubber

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Immediate %26amp; permanent skunk odor elimination. Read reviews here.

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Immediately Remove Skunk Smell in 30 Minutes with Household Items $23

Skunks Spray

Find more sources/options for Skunks Spray
ewwww i hate it.

ive never been sprayed (knock on wood) but havent you ever been in the car and you ride by a dead skunk, and the smell just fills the car? its strong, very strong horrible, pungent smell.
OMG you've never come across it? It's indescribable and hard to get off whatever they spray it on.

Pungent? Might be a good describing word maybe.
belive me you dont want to find out,,, it will make you puke..
burnt poop mixed with spoiled milk

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