Sunday, February 7, 2010

How do I get rid of skunk smell in my house????

He sprayed under the crawl space and now the house reeks! I have tried placing apple cider vinegar in bowls around the house. This helps some, but makes the house smell like dirty feet. He sprayed about four days ago and the smell has seeped upstairs and throughout the rooms.How do I get rid of skunk smell in my house????
Natural's Miracle sells a product for pets that get sprayed by skunks. You can put it in a spray bottle and spray it around your house.

You may need to treat your crawl space too. I've used lime in the horse stalls to cut the odor. Don't know if this works on skunk odor but you could ask at a landscape or feed store.How do I get rid of skunk smell in my house????
I here tomato Juice works. wash with it where the skunk was.
I feel your pain--skunk sprays suck. It certainly takes more than four days to get rid of the smell. My cat got sprayed and it took weeks for the smell to go. tomato juice is supposed to neutralize the smell, but i doubt you want to pour that all over your house. you could try putting it in bowls like the cider and vinegar. My best advice would be to air the house out as much as possible. Run lots of fans and keep the windows and doors open whenever you can. :)
Have you tried oderzout! Buy it..... try it......
pour tomato sauce where he went lol
You're probably going to need professional help with your problem, because there's no way you're going to spread tomato juice on every square inch of your home. For now, just keep all your windows open, and buy some air fresheners.
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