Friday, February 5, 2010

How do I remove skunk smell from my dog, and my house?

And tomato juice, might i add, makes it worse. Please don't suggest that.How do I remove skunk smell from my dog, and my house?

1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide

1/4 cup of baking soda

and 2 tbsp of dish detergent (not for the dishwasher but for the sink)

Then bathe your dog with the mix.

Make sure you mix it in a bucket or big bowl because it is bubbly.

I tried this on my dog when he got sprayed by a skunk and it worked. Tomato juice works on people because it seeps into your pores and cleans out the nasty skunk smell but for dogs it just seeps into their fur making it smell worse.How do I remove skunk smell from my dog, and my house?
spray and your vet
I copied this just in case a while ago:

try this veterinarian-recommended formula: one quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, one cup baking soda and one teaspoon mild dishwashing detergent (make sure it doesn't contain ammonia or bleach). Mix together and rub throughout the dog's coat. Be sure to avoid getting it in his eyes! Then bathe the dog with a mild pet shampoo and rinse well. Repeat if necessary.

You may also need a good enzyme-based pet odor and stain eliminator to treat any areas of your home where the smell lingers.
No, tomato juice doesn't work. There are commercial products available. For a home remedy you'll need hydrogen peroxide, liquid dish soap, and baking soda. For a 50 pound short-haired dog figure on a quart of peroxide and about three cups of soda. You'll only need a tablespoon of dish soap. Combine the ingredients to make a runny paste. Rinse the dog with plain water and then cover the dog (not near his eyes) with the paste. I just use my hands. Work the paste into the fur quickly and have the dog wait without shaking for five full minutes. Thoroughly rinse the dog. You need to get all of it out of the fur and off the skin. Let the dog air-dry. Do not towel him. I like to put mine in a crate and angle a fan toward them. This can fade a dark coat but will be replaced at the next shed.

As for the house, I don't know of a good home remedy.

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