Friday, February 5, 2010

What are some home remedies to get rid of skunk odor?

My friends cats decided to play with a skunk last night and lost. Now the house stinks just as bad as the cats. Does anyone have any good remedies to get rid of the smell?What are some home remedies to get rid of skunk odor?
I always use the peroxide/baking soda/Dawn mixture. It is great at deodorizing-it actually cancels out the skunk odor. Tomato juice/sauce- actually just covers the smell temporarily with a new scent. In my experience, the solution hasn't bleached any pets' fur. To clean the house, you can mix 1 part white vinegar and one part water--it is a great deodorizer and the vinegar smell dissipates as it dries.What are some home remedies to get rid of skunk odor?
Tomato juice will not work, it will only help to mask the scent and stain things pink. You need to break down the thiols in the skunk spray. Peroxide and baking soda works, it may bleach the cats fur though and any fabric you use it on. Open the window and let the air in. If the odor does not leave in a day, then the cats brought the spray in with them and you will have to clean everything they touched, a product called odorxit is effective.
Wash the cats with tomato sauce or juice. Sauce i have found works better.

Next, open ALL the windows in the house to let the smell out. Then sprinkle cinnamon or ground cloves on the carpets and vacuum. This will make your house smell great.
this won't be easy, but bathe the cats in tomato juice. You will have to leave them (cats) outside if you don't want the smell inside. Then use Febreeze throughout the house.
soak the cats in tomato juice and wash them . Keep them out of the house for the time being.

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